If you have any problem during the tutorial I suggest you drop by our forum, I also suggest you download the necessary files so that you can understand everything better while it is happening.
To do any of the above animations, we'll have to change the opacity of the DIV element. We write the following function to change the opacity successfully in all browsers -
function setOpacity(domId, val) {
obj = document.getElementById(domId);
obj.style.MozOpacity = val;
obj.style.opacity = val/10;
obj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + val*10 + ')';
So we first ask for the domId of the element, then get that element by Id and change its style to get the desired opacity. Remember the val can range only between 0-10. Now for the actual animation.
To fade the object we first check whether or not that element is already hidden (if it is we return false). We make a variable alpha with value of 10, and a also a function f(), inside the function fade(domID). We call this function f(), from inside itself after every 100 milliseconds till alpha becomes 0, and once the alpha is 0, and we can't see it, we hide the element.
function fade(domId){
obj = document.getElementById(domId); //Get the Element
if(obj.style.display == "none") return false; //Return false if the element is already hidden
var alpha = 10; //Set the initial value of alpha to 10 (Opaque)
function f(){ //Internal function
alpha--; //Decrement the alpha value
setOpacity(domId, alpha); //Set the opacity of our element to the specified alpha
if(alpha > -1){ //If alpha is still bigger than -1 then..
setTimeout(f, 100); //..then call the function again after 100 milliseconds
}else{ //otherwise..
obj.style.display = 'none'; //..otherwise now that we cant see the element anyways, hide it
setTimeout(f, 100); //This is where we call the f() function for the first time
Thats pretty much it. Now to fade any div all you need to do it fade('divId'); and you'll get beautiful animation on your page.
To fade the object we first check whether or not that element is already being displayed (if it is we return false). Then we un-hide the element and then start the animation. We make a variable alpha with value of 0, and a also a function a(), inside the function appear(domID). We call this function a(), from inside itself after every 100 milliseconds till alpha becomes 10.
function appear(domId){
obj = document.getElementById(domId); //Get the element
if(obj.style.display != "none") return false; //Return if it is already being displayed
obj.style.display = ''; //Un-hide the object before its animation
var alpha = 0; //Set the initial value of alpha to 0 (invisible)
function a(){ //Internal function
alpha++; //Increment alpha
setOpacity(domId, alpha); //Set the opacity of our element to the specified alpha
if(alpha < 11)setTimeout(a, 100);
/*Till alpha is 10, keep calling the
a() function after 100 milliseconds */
setTimeout(a, 100); //This is where we call the a() function for the first time
Done! Now you have your fade and appear functions ready to add animation on your page. You can download the files from the Bit Pixels' Forums. You can also drop by the forum if you have any queries, suggestions or just to say Hi!
Great tutorial but the link to download the file is broken.
js works fine when i opened in Firefox, but it doesnt seem to be working in IE6 . any ideas why?
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