

Monday, March 24, 2008

Code Colorizer

This post is not about web code editing tools, or JS libraries that will highlight your code when you put it in the correct class like the one by Dan Webb. But it is actually about something entirely different and useless to some, but very useful to me.

As you know that I have decided to put JS tutorials on this blog. So I needed highlighted ode to be displayed in the posts. I had a few option to show highlighted code on this blog -
  1. Post a picture from TextMate. (But then how will someone copy the code?)
  2. Use CodeHighlighter.js. (Does blogger allow external JS?)
  3. Should I put a span tag individually on the code. (Am I Mad?)
  4. Write a little piece of code that'll use CodeHighlighter.js to add the tags for me on my computer and then copy the code. (Takes too much time)
  5. Google (YES!)

So a quick Google search showed that there is a tool that takes code and returns it highlighted and its HTML. I use to go to the same website to make favicons too, Chami, I used to love this website. Its a bit ugly but very effective and does the dirty work so I like it.

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